
If you are unhappy with your smile because of crowded teeth or gaps between your teeth, orthodontic treatments may the your solution. It’s often recommended when teeth are misaligned or positioned in a way that interferes with proper chewing or jaw function.

Benefits of straight teeth:

Lowered chance of injury and excessive wear – teeth that are misaligned are more prone to fracture, trauma, and wear from grinding

Reduced risk of gum disease and cavities – crowded and crooked teeth are harder to brush and floss

Reduced risk of developing TMJ (jaw) problems - when teeth are out of alignment, it can interfere with the way your jaws bite together. Sometimes, we “compensate” by shifting our jaws, or chewing only on one side, but these habits can be hard on our jaws or cause headaches and other ailments over time.

When you hear orthodontics, many people think of the traditional, bulky braces with brackets, bands, and wires. In actual fact, orthodontics includes other alternatives for children, adults, or older adults.

Kids Orthodontist

When young children are growing, regular dental care is important. Our dentists monitor which teeth are being lost and which are coming into the mouth. Where significant discrepancies are noticed, functional appliances can often help to encourage arch growth or guide the teeth as they are coming into place. Sometimes, these appliances work with natural growth, and can lessen or eliminate the need for braces later on.

Adult Orthodontics

Many adults choose ortho to correct crowding or spaces that they have put up with for decades, or to address problems with their bite. They recognize the benefits of orthodontics in protecting their teeth from unnecessary wear, and in dealing with TMJ problems caused by an incorrect bite.

We have many orthodontic solutions for your whole family, regardless of their age or how severe the issue is. Our Maple Ridge dental team will assess your teeth and provide our recommendation.
Contact us to book an orthodontist consultation in Maple Ridge today.